Monday, June 6, 2011

A Song in My Soul: Pure Emotions

Lights on my face stole
my sleep; now I'm awake
before the dream ended.

Managed to know what it was
I was supposed to remember and
I wrote it down.

The music that haunts me
through the day, I had to
look it up, cause it
must mean something.

The music that keeps playing
over and over. This verse in a
song that keeps running through my

Are you trying to tell me a story?
About a past friend? A hurting soul?
A wounded bird..who needs a voice?

I played the tracks to reveal
the hidden meaning
from the voice of the past
and it filled the air with music.

Listening, I'm listening
for a sign, I'm listening;
just trying to hear the
inflection in your tone for
what it is in this verse that
continues to run through my
mind day and night...

How sweet is your voice...
so pure...and so emotional;
I mean raw emotion that is
internal; from deep welled up
inside. So vulnerable. Within
the melody, it took hold of
me and pulled me in.

Tell me where you want me
to go from here. The song
has ended.

Please also visit My Word Wizard for more fascinating poetry...

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