Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Give Me a Reason

Unyielding, unbreaking.
Don't tread on me..
don't spit on me..
Lift me up...
Rise up...

Move me up...
Help me up..
Lift me..
Don't tread on me..
Give me strength...
Unyielding, unbreaking.
My spirit to soar above..

Give me a reason to
to rise... give me
a reason to be!

Help me from the madness
of what is the source
of hate. Unblock
and move the stumbles
of bigotry.

Move me up...
Lift me up..
Don't tread on me.
Give me strength..
Rise up and lift
me high!

Unyielding, Unbreaking.
Give me a reason to be!

Uncage me and unleash
the chains that bind

Give me a reason to be....

Monday, May 30, 2011

I Am But a Vessel

I opened myself for complete 
thought and expression; 
I am but a vessel .

The words flow. 
The energy courses
 through me and 
spills forward  onto
 the page.

Hey, I Still Love You

We can't be friends anymore
I don't know.
What do you mean.
We just can't.
Oh, I see.
Something wrong ?  No.

I love you. I love you

So what happened? I don't
know. OK.

Are you hurt? No.
Did I cause you pain?
Just because.


That's it?
I don't know.
Weren't you and
I gonna  change the world?
Yes. We were.
What happened?

I'm following the

Oh, OK.. I see.
OK.  I still love
Take care..