Friday, April 22, 2011

Life On Life's Terms

Sometimes we forget that life will show up no matter what we do. The unexpected always happens, no matter what. My husband is ill right now and was admitted to the hospital last night. How do you cope when the person you love and the one who is your rock is missing from your day to day activities?  When you have to leave them in the care of someone else? It's not easy. When you come home to an empty house or apartment, everything is still. Sometimes, I have imagined what life would be like without all the noise and the hustle and bustle of preparing a meal for someone else, or finding a lost item for my husband that he can't locate. Those little annoyances that come along with marriage that right now don't seem to matter. When all is said and done, he is the one that matters to me. My life doesn't work without him. He is the stability that has seen us through those darkest moments when we had to struggle through some really hard times during the beginnings of our marriage. We each other to lean on, and when one of us is away, it doesn't all add up. it makes me appreciate what we have even more. My love for him grows even greater.
So, for now since life has shown up, and I know that he needs to be where he is at the moment, we will get through this. I just miss him.