Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bringing About Change

Will I ever know you?
Will you ever give in to that
place in your heart?
Don't close it.
Have it feel love;
Show that specialness.
Have your love given back.
Talk to me.
Share with the world.
Love is energy.

Place the key inside of you
and turn it around.
Bless the truest of those who
hunger for knowledge.
When given a blessing we can't
hold our fear of the world.
The world will falter. It misses
the love; the love we try and
cling to;  the love we no longer
feel for each other; giving way
to greed. 

Bring back love into our lives.
Our young  should know that love
can bring about change.
Hate has no place.
It breeds misdeeds that feed trouble,
that banishes and dilutes the soul
of man.
It afflicts our hearts, bringing pain
to our brother that he doesn't have
to bear.
Hold up one another to the highest
esteem as we hold ourselves;
that we may succeed to our highest self.

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