Saturday, March 26, 2011

Follow Your Heart

So I sit here and ponder where I am going today. I have joined the ranks of the unemployed. It wasn't my choice, but it was in a way. I was searching for a change. I was at that point where I sort of wanted to move on from where I was. I had come to a point where I was no longer happy in what I was doing. Things sort of snowballed on their own in the final days without me lifting a finger.

A friend suggested to me that on the first day of spring, I plant a seed and bless it regarding the new choices I had made about my future. I was excited! I did what she suggested. I waited to see what would transpire. Since I don't work on Mondays, I would have to wait and see what would happen on Tuesday.

By Tuesday I had joined the ranks of the unemployed. How fast this had worked! Just a week before I had said out loud that I was wanting to change my life and head in a new direction. My friend had said to me that spring was time of new beginnings. It was time to let go of the fear.

So, I know I am being vague, and hopefully, as time goes on, I can explain in more detail. This is my first post, and hopefully, a new beginning for me to. It, time for me to let go of the fear and follow my heart. I love to write poetry and here is my poem about following my heart.

Follow your heart.
Release the grip you hold so tight on it. 
The pain inside to melt away. Free to love and feel love.
So much that amazing grace and joy and freedom awaits that heart. Trust in that. 
Love always at your side. Be Not afraid of who you are..


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